
Facts About Ants Nest and Termite Mounds

There are various forms of “cities” of insects. The fertilized queen, and mother of a city, choose a suitable place and hatched larvae from which grow its “servants”, who then raise the city, anthill/nest or termite mound. […]

zebra facts

10 Facts About Zebras

Black with white
Many animals have stripes on the body, but stripes with zebra are more pronounced than in other species. It is scientifically proven that zebras are actually black with white stripes, and not vice versa as most considered. […]


Facts About Jackals The Animal

Three species
There are three species of jackal: side-striped jackal (Canis adustus), golden jackal (Canis aureus) and black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas). […]


Facts About Australian Dingoes

Only 10% are thoroughbred
Today the Australian Dingo is faced with extinction: about 90 percent of animals called dingo living in the Australian hinterland or in rural areas has been interbreeded with dogs (tame or wild). […]


Facts About Cockroaches

3,500 species
It is known 3,500 species of cockroaches, and fossils tell us that they have evolved very little during evolution. […]


Facts About Bats

Megabats and Microbats
Bats (Chiroptera) are the order of the higher mammals subclass within the class of mammals. […]


Facts About Brumbies Horses

Australian wild horse
The word brumby derives from “baroomby”; as the language spoken by the Aborigines in Queensland means “wild”. […]