Facts About Mustang Horses

Conquistador horse
Mustang is a typical North American wild horse, which originated from horses brought to America by Spanish conquistadors. The word mustang comes from the Spanish word mestengo; associations of graziers, and one of their jobs was to deal with strayed cattle.

Symbol of Wild West
Mustang is a symbol of the American Wild West and represents grace, beauty, speed and independence, so today the word mustang is often used in products of high class (motorcycles, cars). In 1971, the US Congress recognized Mustangs as a historical symbol of the West.

The first horse on the American continent
Mustang was the first horse that came to America with the Spaniards around 1500. Until then, the American continent was not inhabited by horses. It is assumed that the horses live in America in prehistoric times, and that later died out.

Eastern origin
Mustang horses are a mixture of Andalusian, Arab and Maghreb origin. During the Spanish expedition some of them fled or were kidnapped by the Indians; it was the reason for the rapid expansion of the population of horses in America. Mustang has been very well accepted among the Indians, where the horse has become very important, especially to Comanche and Shoshone. Mustang has become mandatory symbol in representing America in the movies in the attacks on the postal trains, or in battles of Indians and cowboys.

Horse of fear
When the Indians first saw the Spaniards on horseback, they were regarded as deities. Until then never seen; horses were causing great fear among the Indians. Before the horses arrived on American soil, the only domestic animals that had native peoples was a dog.

mustang wild-mustang mustang-horse horses foals

Endurance horse
Mustangs are good riding horses, especially in endurance races because they are light weight and stature, yet sturdy and compact. Wild Mustangs are protected by law in the United States.

Horse as food
In the mid-19th century there were more than two million mustangs, and until the seventies of 20th century they were ruthlessly killed to serve as food. Nowadays, in some countries, horse meat is completely prohibited, for example, in Australia, New Zealand and Israel. In many countries it is considered that this is the meat of the poor, because it is cheaper than beef or pork.

45,000 wild mustangs
At the pastures of the western states of North America today rushes around 45,000 wild mustangs. It occurs in all colors, but the usual black, reddish-brown, suede, gray and palomino; and all variations of colors and patterns are possible.

Can kill a man
When threatened Mustang horse got up on its hind legs and attack with its front legs, whinny and rising cloud of dust. Shot of its hooves can kill a man. That’s why humans should avoid wild horse.

In extremely unfavorable conditions can survive without food and water even several days. They learned to come to the water when the surface freezes; with hooves break the ice or digging sources of water covered with sand and dirt. To reach liquids, mustangs even chew the cactus.

Circle of life…
When they are attacked by wolves, mustangs forming a narrow circle. In the middle of the circle are foals. If wolves attempt to break up the circle, mustangs hit them with hooves and attempting to bite.