Why Does a Child Look Like Both Parents

Even before the child is born, watching his parents, we can predict many of the biological characteristics that it will have. This is possible because we know the laws of inheritance of parental characteristics.

For example, if one parent has brown eyes, and the other blue, the child will have brown eyes. If both parents have blue iris, the child as well as parents, have blue eyes. If one parent has the curly hair and the other blond, the child will have equal chances of inheriting curly hair as well as blond.

However, the laws of inheritance in humans are sometimes very complex. If the father has characteristics completely different from the characteristics of the mother, then one of two opposite tendencies overpower the other and the child will occur qualities of one parent and the other not.

That distinction prevails is called dominant and the other recessive or repressed. Brown eyes are dominant hereditary characteristic, and blue recessive. Therefore, a child of our example have brown eyes.

How are these qualities the parents transmitted to the child?

They are transferred to the egg nucleus and the sperm nucleus. This core is composed of a large number, perhaps several hundred, particles called genes. Genes are not without order in bulk sails, but are connected in series, as a string of beads.

Did you know; the most rare eye color found in humans is red, and they are mainly found in albinos.

Mature egg has 24 such set of genes, and the same has a mature seed cell. When the egg and sperm come together, find themselves together 24 pairs of these sequences that are called chromosomes.

Genes, even within the same chromosome, vary in terms of their impact on development. Some management development one, others develop other authority or body characteristics. Yet, they all jointly involved in the development of the whole body.

The qualities of the burden of a series genes inherited together, although sometimes strings may break and can get to interchange particles with other sequences.