How do We Grow and Why We Cease to Grow

There are several stages of development through which pass human beings. These are the following stages: embryonic stage (in the womb), the infant period, the period of childhood, youth, adulthood and finally old age.

When a newborn baby comes into the world has all those nerve cells that will have throughout life: the brain nerve cells and peripheral. Exactly by developing connections between these cells allows the child to control his movements, to teaches and acts as a social being.

All human beings grow in a similar way, but still there are significant differences between different sexes. In principle, both boys and girls undergo the same phase, but in different ways and different speeds.

The body has the fastest growing in the first few weeks after birth, while in childhood quite moderate. At the end of childhood, tempo is accelerating again, in girls is a period between 11 and 13 years, and in boys between 12 and 14. For a while they grow until they reach the highest possible rate of growth, and then the tempo started to decline until the moment when growth stops completely.

The newborn is an average of 48-50 cm long. During the next 20 years, the length of the body is increased, on average, three times and in women is about 160 cm in men and about 175 cm. However, after that person does not cease to grow even after the age of 25.

After these years, person slowly begins to be reduced in height, after about 40 years on average decreases of 1 cm per year. The reason for this is the gradual loss of water from the cartilage in the joints of the spine.

Another interesting fact is that we are in the morning always higher than the previous evening. Also, the fact is that human in the summer growing faster than in winter.