8 Facts About Caracal – Desert Lynx

Hide its prey in the trees
Caracal hunts sneaking, until it reaches a distance of 5 meters when beginning a fast run and jump. Smaller prey killing with bite in the back of the head, while a larger animal bites in the throat. If the prey is too large, it can not eat it at once, hiding it and come back later. Often hide its prey in the trees.

It is known as desert lynx
Caracal is known as desert lynx, it is slender cat that inhabits dry areas. Stretches from India to Africaand its favorite habitats are rocky, bushes overgrown areas and hilly semi-desert. It also lives on dry grasslands and the forest areas which resemble the savannah. Caracal normally spends the day resting. At that time hiding among rocks, plants or in cavities.

Faster than other cats
Caracal is faster than most cats of its size, but is also deftly climbs. This animal, in general, is a loner. Its area is characterized by urine left by the rock, foot trees and grass.

Caracal means “black ear”
Name Caracal comes from the Turkish language, and means “black ear”. Caracal have longer hairy tufts on the ears than other cats. When the animal moves his head, the ears become particularly noticeable for black – white pattern. When hunts in an ambush, puts his ears flattened so they are less noticeable.

Caracal on Big Cat Rescue

Sometimes feed on plants
In its prey include rodents, monkeys, lizards and hatchlings of various types of antelope. Caracal feeds on plants, such as berries. This versatile cat serves the most diverse techniques of hunting.

It can kill large snakes
Sometimes caracal voice like a leopard. If someone disrupt it while dealing with prey, Caracal wheezes and purring like other cats. For caracal is known to kill large snakes. Once an adult cat in zoo killed a large cobra which has entered into its cage.

Caracal is expensive pet
This animal is one of the most expensive pet in the world. Caracal pet can afford only truly rich, because the price of one caracal pet is up to $15,000. Looking at the physical appearance, this animal is very much reminiscent of the lynx, although not belonging to the family of lynx.

Caracal as a hunting cat
In Iran and India Caracal serves as a hunting cat because it is easy to tame. Caracal is skilled hunter – are able to snap up a bird in flight. Although the species is not rare or threatened, Caracal are rarely seen in the wild because they are the perfect in hiding.

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