5 Facts About Arctic Foxes

Arctic foxes has the warmest fur in the world

Of all known mammals in the world, exactly Arctic Fox has the warmest fur. Fur allows it to withstand temperatures up to -45°C.

During the winter the fur is white, and this allows it to camouflage; allows easier hunting and protection from other predators. In the spring when the snow cover melts fur changes its color to grey-brown.

Iceland native land mammal

Arctic Fox is the only native land mammal on Iceland, and is also known as the snow fox. Successfully surviving because it feeds exclusively on birds and bird eggs, but when it does not catch anything, it feeds on berries and seaweed so they may be considered omnivores.

Indigenous people eat foxes

While it is inconceivable that someone eating fox – this fox was one of sources of food to indigenous people. Nowdays, it is killed more often for magnificent fur than for food.

It is also on the menu of polar bears and wolves. But Artic Fox is not threatened and is considered to be safe from extinction because the man does not go into crude regions where this animal habitat.

Incredible ears

One of its best weapons are little but powerful ears. Located high on top of the head and forward, act as two powerful radars that detect the slightest movements beneath the snow.

Once it detects prey (usually lemmings, small rodent) beneath the snow, leaping high in the air and breaks the snow cover to reach it. Its ears are smaller than the red fox, because in this way its body loses less heat.

Death of starvation

Arctic Foxes act like nomads, annually cross thousands of miles in search of food. Since in areas where these foxes live there is not much food, main reason for death is starvation.

Each year thousands of foxes died from starvation, but it does not endanger the population because annually in litter can be up to 15 cubs.

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