Most people consider that we have only two tonsils, placed on either side of the throat, next to the tongue in your mouth. But this is not true.
There are a number of tonsils, which were different in size. Tonsils are small nodules, composed of particular types of tissue, called the lymphoid tissue. Because of its location, the tonsils have a special task: they are the first defense against infection that enters through the nose and mouth.
The largest pair of tonsils, which lie close to the palate, called the palatal tonsils. High and back in the pharynx has several small tonsils; they are called the third tonsil. Small tonsils and the back has, on our tongue, just below its surface.
Tonsils are covered by the same smooth surface that coats the mouth. On the tonsils this layer down into the depths and sinks in tonsil. In this way, creating deep pockets, called crypts. Crypts keep germs and other substances from the mouth. The white blood cells surround the germs that enter the crypt and help to destroy these germs. The normal role of the tonsils is to fight infection.
Sometimes germs in the crypts can overcome defense of the tonsils and cause inflammation around the of the tonsils. This inflammation is called tonzilis or purulent tonsillitis. One, or more often both of the tonsils become enlarged and painful. Crypts are swollen and sometimes of them rises to the surface of the tonsils thick pus. Out of angina frequently suffer children than adults.
If you are being treated with antibiotics, the symptoms of bacterial tonsillitis should disappear after a few days. Today, doctors rarely decide to remove tonsils surgically. This is partly because tonsillitis often be effectively treated by home care or antibiotics, which reduce the risk of possible complications. About operation is considering if tonsillitis affects the child’s hearing or breathing, or appears unusually often.
If left untreated, tonsillitis can lead to accumulation of pus (abscess) between a tonsil and surrounding soft tissues (peritonsillar abscess). The abscess may cover a large part of the soft area at the back of the palate of the mouth (soft palate). Sometimes the swelling can be so strong that the palate and tongue connect together, blocking the flow of air which makes breathing becomes extremely difficult. Tonsillitis
Old thinking is that most children who have been removed tonsils less susceptible to colds and other respiratory diseases. In fact, it is just the reverse. However, surgery may be the best solution for some people.
How can you help yourself? Drink plenty of warm fluids to relieve sore throat. The soup and tea are good choices. Rinse throat with warm salt water. Rinsing throat several times a day can help alleviate pain in the throat. Mix 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of table salt in 2 dl of warm (lukewarm) water. Spit the fluid after rinsing the throat.
Read also What Do Tonsils Look Like!