How Do Muscles Work and Their Function

In some parts of the body are cells that can contract or relax: these are the muscle cells. There are two types: smooth and striated.

Smooth muscles are found in many parts of the body and support the work of almost all organs: collect and spread the apple of the eye, regulate breathing, allowing bowel, etc. Spasms of smooth muscle is strong, but slow.

Where it is necessary to move quickly, there are striated muscle cells. All the muscles that move your limbs are striated. The human body has 639 muscles. The muscles are actually the fleshy parts of the body. Meat bought in a butcher is exactly the striated muscle.

The muscles are different in size and different in shape. The muscle has a medium size in tens of millions of muscle cells, and in the whole body is about six billion muscle cells!

Did you know; strongest muscle in the human body is the masseter. It can close the teeth with a force as great as 200 pounds (90 kilograms).

Muscles work and functionEach of these six billion muscle cells is similar to the engine with ten cylinders arranged in a single row. Cylinders are tiny boxes that contain liquid. Muscle twitching when the brain sends a message to the muscle boxes. In a few hundredths liquid in such a tiny box thickens; and then again becomes liquid. This leads to contractions and muscle relaxation.

The muscles in our body, which we can consciously move, are striated. Smooth muscles (for example those involved in digestion of food) operate independently of our will.

When a muscle is stimulated to action, responds quickly: can shrivel to less than a tenth of a second. But before muscle relax, came another message. It writhes and writhing again. Contractions occur so quickly that merge into a single action, as evidenced undisturbed and continuous work of muscles.

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