Facts About Tuberculosis Disease and Bacteria

Tuberculosis, or TB for short, is an infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacillus. There is, unfortunately, in all parts of the world, but it is most common in crowded areas where people live in unsanitary conditions and have poor nutrition.

The fact is that man is, fortunately, very resistant to this infection. Approximately 90 percent of people living in urban centers, sooner or later, will get tuberculosis in a mild form, but most do not even knows. Less than 10 percent of TB cases dying from it.

Tubercle bacillus is also known as Koch’s bacillus according to the scientist who first discovered and isolated the bacteria in 1882. In developing countries, the most common cause of death. Today, the etiology (cause and development) of disease is well understood, although changes in prevalence and vulnerability of the population to a large extent changed the classic form of the disease incidence.

There are three types of tuberculosis – human tuberculosis bacillus, bacillus of beef tuberculosis, and last one is bacillus of avian tuberculosis. A man can infect with human bacillus or beef bacillus. These germs usually mature in body through air to the lungs. Change as they first cause is called primary affect. This is inflammation and tissue destruction.

After the primary infection, pathogens are usually transmitted in pulmonary lymph glands, which causes even greater inflammation. The body has had time to create a certain resistance or immunity to tuberculosis. Most of the damaged areas heal with hard scar tissue. However, a number of pathogens can remain in the body but usually can not cause further change.

Sometimes TB disease occurs again when a man goes down into an older age. This may be a new infection or old that woke up.

TuberculosisThe tubercle bacteria can get into the bloodstream, ant through the bloodstream to the other organs, and thus can infect the kidneys or joints. When tuberculosis spreads to the whole body, it is exhausting disease that slowly destroys the body. Tuberculosis used to be called “phthisis” because the people who are suffering from it were very skinny.

Tuberculosis in the bones of the joint may remain “dormant” for several years until it activates. Osteoarticular tuberculosis can affect any bone or joint, tendon or the stock market, but it is usually localized to the large bearing joints and vertebrae.

The risk of infection with TB and the development of the disease is highest during the contact with infected people, then for those who live in crowded communities with poor hygienic living conditions, as well as in those with a poor diet. Factors likely to contribute to increasing the frequency of these diseases are increasing the number of homeless people (difficult living conditions and poor nutrition) and the emergence of strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to the usual drugs.