What Do White Blood Cells Do To Defend The Body

White blood cells in the blood has almost 900 times less than red. A small red beads are far more numerous in the blood and give it its color. And also white blood cells play a significant role. White blood cells are also called leukocytes.

The most numerous leukocytes are granulocytes. These cells cross the blood in and out of it in the place where they collect calls or where is injured tissue. Some of them, called neutrophils, drawn into itself bacteria and destroy them. Leukocytes produce substances that soften and digest dead tissue and produce pus.

Other white blood cells are called lymphocytes. Their number is often increased when the body for a long time maintained an infection. They are an integral part of the body mechanism, so that their role is, as you can see, very important.

The third type of white blood cells are monocytes. These cells, together with other cells in tissues, have the ability to accept parts of dead matter. They also may be enclosed by a substance, such as dust, and prevent it to come into contact with healthy tissue cells.

Although the white blood cells are very necessary to an organism, it is not good when there are too many. Normal person produces about 100 billion of white blood cells per day. Usually the number of white blood cells in a volume of blood is determined by a computerized automatic device for counting cells. These devices give the total number of white blood cells (CBC, complete blood count), expressed as cells per microliter of blood, and the relationship of each of the five major types of white blood cells. The total number of white blood cells normally ranges between 4,000 and 10,000 cells per microliter.

On the disorder indicates too little and too much white blood cells. In leukopenia reduces the number white blood cells to less than 4,000 per microliter, what makes a person receptive to the occurrence of infections. Leukocytosis, increased number of white blood cells may be a reaction to infection or foreign material, or may be due to cancer, trauma, stress or certain medications.

Most white blood cells disorders including neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. Disorders involving basophils are very rare. Leukemia is type of cancer that is accompanied by uncontrolled breeding of white blood cells.

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