Is Skin Considered an Organ or Tissue

When we think of the human body, heart, liver or brain immediately rank among the organs, because they have their own specific functions. But did you know that the skin is also an organ? Yes, skin is an organ that consist of two layers of tissue.

While other organs take up little space, or at least a certain area, the skin is spread over the entire surface of the body and thus creates a layer with a total area of about two square meters.

Number of complex structures that are found in every square inch of skin is incredible, from the sweat glands down to nerves.

The skin consists of two layers of tissue. One is thicker and deeper and is called fur. Above it is the second layer – the epidermis. These two layers are joined, such that the lower layer is drawn into the upper, to which is firmly connected. Therefore, the skin is wavy, and formed a pattern that can be observed at some parts, such as the palm of your hand.

The top layer of skin, the epidermis, has no blood vessels, and quite on the surface consists of cells of various shapes placed in layers that are at the top of the hardened. That’s very good, because the last, cornified part, protects the body. It is not sensitive to pain, and nor the water does not affect him. In places where it is thickest (for example on heel, blisters, etc.) provides a greater resistance to electricity.

Did you know; melasma gravidarum, also called the mask of pregnancy, is skin darkening during pregnancy. This is triggered by hormonal changes during pregnancy that increase production of melanin – natural substance that gives color to hair, skin, and eyes. So if women have darker hair and eyes chances for skin darkening during pregnancy is bigger… Read also What Are Age Spots On Skin!

The deepest layers of epidermis are alive, and their task is to create new cells. Stem cells suppress these new cells up, and they are separated from their sources of nutrition and eventually dying transforming into a stratum corneum.

During the day, due to the many activities that we perform, countless dead cells disappear, but so immediately create new ones that replaced them. Therefore, our skin stays young.

In the skin there are about thirty layers of squamous cells. Whenever the surface layer of waste, due to washing or friction, a new layer is immediately ready to replace it. As much layers of waste, so it is always new, deeper ones, replacing them. Therefore, the skin can be monitored and rub in order to maintain it clean, and it does not thereby inflict any damage to us.

Read also What Determines Skin Color!