What Is The Role of Skeleton In Human Body

The human skeleton has two roles: serving as a support of the body and protects the “gentle” organs.

The skeleton, mainly made up of bones, held the man upright. A baby is born with 270 small and very soft bones in each skeleton, while the adult usually has 206 bones, because some bones later coalesce. The bones are touching each other in the joints.

The skeleton of the head consists of a sturdy bone cranial vault that protects the brain from injury. Chest protects the heart and lungs. The spine is actually a series of small bones – vertebrae, which has in the middle the hole and form a channel in which is located the spinal cord. In the lower part of the spinal vertebrae coalesce, and create a bone that is inserted between the two femur.

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Bone is a alive and growing while we are young. For example, the femur can triple its length from birth to adulthood. As the bones grow in length, at the same time they are increasing firmness thanks to calcium and other minerals that are in them accumulate.

Since the bone is alive, it must somehow feed. The outer surface of the bone is covered by periosteum which contains many blood vessels that bring food to the bone cells.

Bone structure gives shape to the body. This shape changes as you grow, and your skeletal system determines your height, width and other factors, such as the size of your hands and feet.