How Does The Liver Work

When we look at some body organs, its structure and way of work look incredible.

The liver is no exception. It is the largest gland in the body and, in addition to the brain, the largest organ of the body. The normal liver is heavy about 1.5 kilograms (30 pounds).

The liver is so large because of the role it is performing. Not only does it produce digestive juices, it is also a strain for food that comes from the bowels (except fat). It accepts food digested in the intestine and in a series of chemical processes continues to be processed.

One of its tasks is to process the proteins that are found in food in the protein of the human body. The liver converts toxic substances into non-toxic. When a person consumes alcohol and caffeine, the liver turns these poisons into harmless substances. The liver cells also destroy some bacilli that fall into the body.

How does the liver work in digestion

The food and the fluid that we put into the body arrive from the intestine through the blood in the liver. Blood from the intestines brings nutrients into the liver for processing. Then, out of the liver, the blood goes to the heart, and from the heart it is spreading all over the body.

The liver actually lies between the intestines and the heart, as some sort of liquid damper that would burden the heart’s work. If you drink large amounts of fluid, retaining fluid, the liver will soon increase.

Did you know… the Greeks believed that the human soul was in the liver!

How does alcohol affects the liver

The liver has to process all harmful substances like high-fat, pesticide and eliminate them from the body. Inadvertent consumption of alcohol can greatly contribute to its impairment.

Alcohol breaks down in the liver, and any excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages will have harmful consequences not only on liver health but also on the brain, pancreas, diacritics and the central nervous system. (Read also How does the pancreas work).

Too much alcohol in the liver interferes with digestive enzymes in the liver and leads to reduced absorption of fat, protein and fat-soluble vitamins and vitamin B, especially vitamin B1 and folic acid.

Ultimately, the toxic effect of alcohol can result in the appearance of fatty liver, inflammatory changes in liver cells or hepatitis, and the occurrence of cirrhosis. But one glass of wine after the main meal will not harm either women or men.

Did you know… The liver is the organ that does not hurt, only routine inspections reveal latent and insidious disease.

Can a piece of your liver grow back

The liver is the only organ that can regenerate and grow back. Even if 90% of its mass is destroyed, it will be regenerated and all functions performed smoothly. That remaining healthy part will completely replace the missing and return to its original state.

To get the same liver as it was before removal, it takes between four and six weeks. Therefore, it is perfect for a transplant, because piece of liver regenerate to full size liver.

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