Facts About Chocolate Hills in Bohol

At first sight Chocolate Hills on the Philippine island of Bohol act like they are artificially created, as a result of some astonishing human endeavor, not as a work of nature.

Hundreds of conical and domed hills stand side by side, like haystacks in the fields.

The hills are covered with coarse grass, and during the dry season from February to May are so burned by the sun to take on the color of chocolate, and so they got the name. And then come the abundant tropical rains that regenerate the grass and the whole area gives a brilliant green color.

Bohol is one of the islands of the archipelago of the Visayas, which is located in the center of the Philippines. Although the island has a special place in the history of the Philippines (here in 1565 concluded the first formal agreement between the islanders and the Kingdom of Spain), it is for today’s Filipinos especially in an area where there are Chocolate Hills.

Even 1260 hills of regular shape and relatively steep side stands tight to each other on a plateau in the heart of Bohol and rises to a height of 100 meters. Chocolate Hills are unusual because unlike other limestone areas there is no underground water system of the type normally found in such areas.

The Legend of Chocolate Hills

No one can say with certainty how they created the limestone hills, but it is possible that they are simply the result of the operation of rain that are for millions of years fall on them.

Local tradition of inhabitants of Bohol offers a different explanation of the origin of chocolate hills. According to one legend, the hills are the result of a battle between two fierce giants who are the days of each other throwing stones, but without any results. Tired of fighting, have reconciled and they left the island as the best friends, leaving the rocks where it fell.

Another tragic story is that giant Arogo was greatly in love with a mortal Aloe, so he decided to kidnap her. She refused, after which she got sick and died, and the Chocolate Hills are the tears that Arogo cried. When his tears dried, the Chocolate Hills were formed.

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4 Facts about Chocolate Hills:

  • there are at least 1,260 hills
  • they are a famous tourist attraction of Bohol
  • largest chocolate hill is 120 metres (390 ft)
  • two have been developed into resorts for tourism