Why do We Feel Cool In Summers While Sweating

Let us imagine that our body is the one furnace. The food we eat would be the fuel that is burned in the body. During this process the body takes about 2,500 calories.

This amount of heat is sufficient to 28.5 liters of water heated to boiling point. What happens with such warmth in our body? When there would be no temperature control, we would certainly be “hot”. But we know that the body temperature stays below 37°C, except when we are sick.

Sweating is one way that ensures the maintenance of normal body temperature.

If the temperature of the blood is increased, center for cooling takes action. The process of oxidation or burning of substances slows down and going on to something else that is important. Blood vessels in the skin expand, and excess heat goes by evaporation of sweat. Therefore, for example, we feel cold after a bath, because the water that remains in contact with our warm skin quickly evaporates and cools us. That is why sweating is part of the cooling process of the body.

Sweating during summers is like a shower that washed the body. The fluid exits through a myriad of fine holes in the skin in the form of droplets that evaporate quickly and rapidly cool the body – if needed. That is why do we feel cool while sweating.

Did you know; stress caused by, for example, fear and anger, enhances sweating…

If the air has lot of moisture, like when raining in hot summer, we feel certain difficulties because the water on our skin can not evaporate easily. Therefore, we are cooled with fan that we disperse the moist air and help the evaporation of sweat.

What is normal (physiological) sweating? At an air temperature of 20°C by sweating is lost 100 ml of water. If the weather is very warm water loss by sweating can sometimes reach 1.5 to 2 liters per hour, which could seriously deplete supplies of body fluids. With physical exertion the body temperature increases and as a result excessive sweating occurs.

Read also How Does Human Body Regulate Temperature!