Facts About Chupacabra And What Really Is It

Chupacabra is a mythical creature that resides in the territory of the parts of America, with the first sightings in Puerto Rico.

What Chupacabra means? The name was given because of the habits, by eyewitness that the attack and drink the blood of livestock, especially goats.

Chupacabra, or literally translated from Spanish goat-sucker, is a youngest kind of cryptid because unlike the other mysterious beings appear only in the modern era. Moreover, it is characteristic that it is the only species that has an accurate description of what it looks like.

Eyewitness statements vary from alien beings that walk on two legs, through the animal that looks like a dog or a coyote, to kind of reptile with scales or feathers, which looks like a kangaroo, and even to something that might be a bat which is the size of a man .

First reported cases

The first reported cases of its existence are from the March 1995 on the territory of Puerto Rico, where is found eight dead sheep, each with three stab wounds in the chest and without a drop of blood in them. The mystery is increased because in addition to the bodies of animals was very little blood, not nearly as much as it should be that the animals are slaughtered and allowed to bleed.

A few months later, in August, in the Puerto Rican city of Canovanas, was reportedly killed 150 domestic animals and pets, and eyewitness, Madelyn Tolentino, reported that she had seen the creature responsible for this massacre. Apparently, the creature was the size of a small bear, with a small round head, large sloping red eyes, small mouth, spines that extend from the the vertex along the spine to the back end, with large claws on the hands and feet.

The most famous American paranormal investigator, Benjamin Radford, after 5 years of research revealed that the description given by Madelyn Tolentino identical creature Sil from the sci-fi film Species (Species), who coincidentally showed a few weeks before her statement regarding the Chupacabra, and that the autopsy showed that in the dead animals were yet more blood and were not really ” dry ”. Redford said the Chupacabra may exist, but it certainly does not look like Madelyn described.

Shortly thereafter, began reports of cupakabra throughout Latin America, from Chile to Mexico, and few in the south of the United States. Only this time the mysterious blood-sucking seems less fantastic. In appearance resembles a large dog or a coyote, with a long nose, thin body that resembles a greyhound, thin legs and thin long tail, without any body hair.

In 2004 in Texas was reported about 150 cases of attacks on livestock, and near San Antonio was even killed the creature that attacked a couple of cows. In the town of Coleman, in Texas, a hunter was caught in the trap a creature that met the description of Chupacabra, and found two more corpses of cattle in the vicinity of San Antonio. Two different tests at two universities in Texas and California, have shown that these were coyotes suffering from severe mange (sarcoptic or demodectic).

Russian Chupacabra… or vodka?

In early 2006, appeared in central Russia cases similar to those in Puerto Rico and Texas. First they found 32 turkeys, then 30 sheep, few head of cattle and a lot of dogs and cats. Russian researcher of the paranormal Vadim Černobov traced the Russian cupakabra of Ukraine, Belarus and Polish, accumulated a wealth statement and at the end he gave a description of bloodsuckers: kangaroo-like creature with a head like a crocodile, which his victims attack from the air, according to the marks on places of attacks. He concluded that it was all nonsense associated with the influence of vodka…

What is the Chupacabra really

From 2007 until today, have been reported more than 1,000 cases of attacks of Chupacabra, it has been shown hundreds of photographs, dozens of videos, and it can be said that eyewitnesses finally agreed on looks. The creature that looks like a dog, short front and long hind legs, long pointed snout, thin body and long tail, with no hair on it. Only this version of Chupacabra has an excellent explanation by biologists in Texas:

The coyote suffering from mange, losing hair, losing weight dramatically and force, can not to hunt their natural prey and turns to slower animals that can not escape, such as sheep or cows.

The mysterious bites on the neck quite correspond to stabbing of canines, in this way all wild beasts hunt prey, suffocating it. A lack of blood from animals zoologists explain in that diseased coyote does not have the power to bring down prey to the ground and choked it, so attacked animal can runs some distance from the places of attack with the attacker on his back, until it died of blood loss. Read also Facts And Myths About Werewolves!