Facts About Beer

First beer?
Beer was the first alcoholic beverage known to civilization. However, it is unknown who first made and drank beer. It was popular in the Germanic nomadic tribes.

Before bread
The first product that people are made of grain and water, before they learned to make bread, it was beer. Of all the peoples ancient Egyptians first used barley.

Beer in Babylon
Before about 5,000 years ago in Babylon was an established custom that for a month after the wedding the bride’s father in-law supplied with as much beer as son in law able to drink.

Oldest records about beer
The oldest records about beer come from the ancient Sumerian civilization, in a region that is considered the first ground where the domesticated grains. All were drinking beer; all classes of society, regardless of gender, ie men and women, rich and poor. The beer was so important that it is mentioned even in the Hammurabi Code.

Ingredients of beer
1516 William VI, Duke of Bavaria introduced probably one of the oldest of the provisions related to the quality of food and beverages, which said water, hops and barley as the only allowed ingredients of beer.

Annually 133 billion liters
Today beer production represents business of global proportions, with few dominant multinational companies and many thousands of smaller producers. Are sold annually and drink over 133 billion liters of beer, which is once used to be unthinkable.

First drunk driver
The first drunk driver has been recorded in Ancient Egyptian mythology. Legend tells of the coachman who has ran over a drunk maid of the goddess Hathor, and after that, he was nailed to the door of the brewery where he was drunk.

Most expensive drinkable beer
The most expensive beer (which you can drink) is Vielle Bon Secours. Bottle costs about $ 1,000 and can be purchased only in Bierdromeu in London. With 8% of alcohol, this powerful Belgian dark ale is made in a limited edition.

Highest paid
Allsopp’s Arctic Ale beer was produced in 1875, for an expedition to Antarctica. Although probably no longer in the ‘drinking’ condition; that has not stopped an unknown buyer in England to pay more than five thousand bucks for this rare beer.

“Strongest” beer
The strongest beer in the world is a Scottish beer called Snake Venom and contains a whopping 67.5 percent of alcohol, which is more even than vodka or whiskey! The bottle of 275 ml costs about $ 75, and on the label nicely said it recommends drinking in a sitting position.