7 Facts About Stonehenge

Impressive engineering feat…
5000 thousand years ago, the construction of Stonehenge was an impressive engineering feat, which required commitment, time and a lot of manpower. In its first edition monument was a round hole which the ancient peoples dug with the help of deer antlers and wooden spatula.

This prehistoric monument on Salisbury North, in southwest England, which dates back to the New Ston Age is one of the megalithic monuments because it is built of massive stone blocks. The monument is now in ruins, and it is not known what purpose it served; but it is believed in ritual or religious purposes.

Cow skulls…
After excavations around the monument in 1620, scientists found a cow skulls and burned charcoal in the center of the monument. Analysis of a soil led investigators to conclude that Stonehenge was made 2600 years before a new era.

Stonehenge was not always at the place where it is today, and stones that weighs several tons originally been on the other location; more than 200 kilometers away; in Wales.

Stonehenge consists of two concentric circles and the inner halfcircle. The outer circle, which is made of very large blocks; is made of stones from around the plains Solsberry. Stone blocks of the inner circle and half circle come from the province of Pembrokeshire in West Wales

Summer sunrise…
Many believe that the Stonehenge was built by worshipers of the sun. The opening in the circle is facing a summer sunrise. In neighboring Ireland, a similar monument Newgrange, was built about the same time facing the winter sunrise.

Avenue Stonehenge is 3 km long and connects Stonehenge to the River Avon. There was found a circle of blue stones in 2009; so-called “Bluestonehenge”. It was built around the 2600th to 1700th BC and coincides with the summer equinox.

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