10 Little Know True Facts About Hitler

Throughout the world history there have been many bloody wars and conflicts, but the World War II was the most profound and generally produced the greatest losses in human, material, infrastructure, cultural and economic resources.

Undoubtedly the biggest culprit for that, almost cataclysmic scenario, was Adolf Hitler.

Hitler, together with his associates, began a conflict that would cost lives millions of people. This half-educated defective painter, ruthless, mediocrity and fanatical fan of German mythology in the thirties of the twentieth century turned from the disgusting and bohemian to the most prominent person of recent history.

Because of his fantasy and illusion of racial superiority, Germany and whole World has pushed to the catastrophe… Read ten little known but true facts about Adolf Hitler

Fact: Hitler’s nephew William Hitler served in the US Navy during World War II. William Patrick Hitler, who later changed his name Hiler to Stuart-Houston, was born in Liverpool, England, on March 12, 1911, as son of Adolf’s half-brother Alois and his first wife, Bridget Dowling. He fled from Nazi Germany when the war broke out in 1939 and came to live with his relatives in New York. After denied access to the American Army because of his family background, nephew of Adolf Hitler in 1942 wrote an emotional appeal to US President Franklin D. Roosevelt in which he explained the reasons why he desperately wants to fight for allied forces against the Nazi regime of his uncle.

Fact: Despite all that, Hitler was quite a great fan of American culture. In addition to being a great fan of Disney’s cartoons, especially the “Snow White”, he also loved the cult classic “King Kong” and both film works were delighted with it in the context of technical achievements. He liked American football and cowboys (he liked Karl May), and had a photograph of Henry Ford, whom he considered as “inspiration”.

Fact: Hitler uncontrolled spent money on a drinks, clothes and cars. The parade car of Adolf Hitler, was the Mercedes Benz 770k. The weight was almost five tons without passengers, fuel and water, and six meters long. He drank the most expensive wines in the world, and was a lover of expensive art…

Fact: The famous American magazine Time in 1938 declared Adolf Hitler as a “man of the year”. Of course, Hitler at that time was not what became only a few years later, but many still hold that this is still one of the most controversial titles. And interestingly, next year, 1939, Time declared Stalin a “man of the year”.

Fact: He started the first successful campaign against smoking. German doctors have first established that there is a connection between smoking and lung cancer, and this has triggered the first public anti-smoking campaign in recent history. The Nazis banned smoking in public transport and promoted healthy life, and held lectures (in particular on the dangers of pregnant women) and restricted the advertising of tobacco products. The campaign proved to be effective, especially in the period from 1939 to 1945.

Fact: He never visited any concentration camp. Hitler, in fact, has never spoken openly about his plans to destroy the Jews. Moreover, during the Second World War he never visited a concentration camp. What is also rarely mentioned is the reluctance of the United States to dispose of Jewish refugees from Germany. In 1939 the refugees on the MS St. Louis almost came to Miami, but because of xenophobia, they returned to Europe.

Fact: Adolf Hitler is probably one of the most eminent persons of the twentieth century. It’s no wonder that there were attempts to kill him, even 42 times! In 1944, the most famous try of assassination of the German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler occurred. The event resumed its popularity, as it is featured in 2008’s “Valkyrie” movie with Tom Cruise. Hitler was so close to the bomb that he had to remove 200 pieces of wood from his leg.

Fact: Hitler’s body was allegedly held secretly in East Germany for years, and later, the remains of the body KGB has cremated. The only jaw and the upper skull were left. The DNA analysis proved that the skull, which is kept by the Russians, does not really belong to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, and if you did not know, in November 1945 a $ 1,000,000 reward was offered for information about Hitler. “There are all the assumptions that Hitler is dead, but there is not the slightest evidence of his death,” said US General Dwight Eisenhower on October 12, 1945.

Fact: Hitler’s health has long been a subject of debate, and many have been suggested that Hitler suffered from the following diseases: irritable digestive tract, cramps in the left side of the body, irregular heartbeats, Parkinson’s disease and amphetamine addiction.

Fact: In the recent past, many public figures expressed positive or neutral ratings of Hitler’s rule and the Nazis; especially in some countries of South America, the Islamic world and some parts of Asia. For example, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat wrote in 1953 a report in which he positively depicted Hitler, and Bal Thackeray, the leader of the right-wing Shiv Sen party in the Indian state of Maharashtra in 1995, publicly stated that he was a worshiper of Hitler.