All people do not have the same blood. It was only “recently” discovered ( in 1901, when the Austrian Karl Landsteiner discovered human blood groups), and until then the blood in emergencies was given by direct transfusion regardless of the so-called blood group. This is why half of the patients were died.
Karl Landsteiner studies have shown that there are different blood types. For the determination of blood groups are needed red blood cells donor and recipient blood serum. Serum is a part of blood plasma.
What happens when is mixed blood of different groups? If one drop of blood belongs to one group and is added to blood serum or other blood group, red blood cells sticking together and this is called agglutination. In this case, the red blood cells usually disintegrate or produced hemolysis of blood. This is why it is important to determine blood gruops. Using of agglutination tests showed that in humans exist four blood groups: 0, A, B and AB.
Red blood cells of “0” does not agglutinate with the serum of any groups. In other words, blood group 0 can be given for each transfusion, regardless of blood type of recipient. Therefore, people with a group 0 are known as general blood donors. In group AB serum not agglutinate red blood cells of any groups, so people with this blood type can receive blood of any group. These are general blood recipients.
All of us inherit our blood group and we can not change it throughout our life. An interesting observation was that around our planet there is a certain arrangement of blood groups.
From west to east Europe declining number of people with blood group A, while increasing the number of people who have group B. In England, 43 percent of people have group A, and in Russia 30 per cent, while in Iran only 15 percent. In USA 40 percent is group A, 45 percent is 0, 11 percent is B and 4 percent is AB.
So, how dow we determine blood group? If on the surface of red blood cells is A antigen, it is a blood group “A”. The liquid part of blood, or plasma, in this case contains antibodies against blood group B. If on the surface of red blood cells is antigen B, it is a blood group “B”. The plasma then contains antibodies against blood group A. If the surface of red blood cells has no either of one of these two antigens, then the blood group is “0”. In this case, the plasma has antibodies to blood group A and aslo to blood group B. It is also possible that on the surface of red blood cells are also antigen A and antigen B, and then the plasma does not have antibodies, and person has the blood group “AB”.
Mystery of negative blood
Science says that the oldest blood type is “0”. Before about 35,000 years or less appeared 0-. Before about 20,000 years there is a group A, 10,000 years ago a group B and AB groups appeared around 1500 BC. The mystery of the blood group is one of the mysteries that concerns almost every person in particular. The secret is that science has no solution how was formed negative blood type. In this issue we all have something in common.
Did you know; in Japan, when filling out forms for employment has a question which blood group you are.
Negative blood type is associated with an increased psychic powers and higher IQ but have less developed physical body. Characteristic and very common are blue or green eyes and blonde or red hair. Also have a lower body temperature, increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight, can not get a blood transfusion from an Rh positive donor, are reddish or blond hair, green or brown eyes! Some even have additional vertebrae or ribs.
People with negative blood type do not have in the evolution a common ancestor with people who have a positive blood type. Rh negative blood type can not be cloned, while the other can be. In nature, other than in humans, we do not find Rh negative.
Approximately 14-15 percent of people on the planet has a negative blood, and the largest percentage of them live among the white population in Europe, with at least have them in Asian countries.
The importance of blood groups is the fact that all the royal family in the world are in a blood relationship. Members of the royal families were entering marriage with their relatives. Although it is considered as incest and they face judgment, they do it because they have a reason, and that is to not mixing the Rh factor. All of them are Rh negative and do not want to mix with the other 85% of people who have Rh-positive group. The phrase “blue blood” is justified because when the color the Rh negative blood is oxidized, it becomes blue.
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